
Protect your dynamic teams with artificial intelligence!

Cybersecurity is a matter that should not be neglected in your strategy, especially since a considerable increase in cyberattacks has been observed for some time. Traditional tools are no longer sufficient to counter these attacks, especially since the working methods of employees have changed.

Discover in this article how artificial intelligence meets the new security requirements!

Threat overview

Nowadays, companies are increasingly exposed to the risk of cyber attacks, resulting in a colossal cost of cybercrime, reaching one thousand billion dollars worldwide.

In Luxembourg, in 2020, more than 800 incidents of cybercrime were reported to the Police Grand-Ducale, and 2,251 attempted cyberattacks were detected, with the aim of making the targeted websites inaccessible.

Amongst the many existing threats, we can note a considerable increase in attempts to usurp SaaS accounts, and to gain access to professional messaging systems. Trojans are still very much in evidence and are even becoming more sophisticated. Finally, new ways of working have also led to an increase in phishing attacks.

Attacks usually occur when users are not available, i.e. outside office hours and at weekends, giving attackers more time to complete their mission.

As you can see, it is no longer a question of if you will ever be affected by a cyber attack, but rather when you will be affected! Therefore, it is important for the viability of your company to defend itself with equal weapons. To do this, we can only advise you to rely on new technologies, combining human and machine, for greater efficiency and optimal resilience. 

Changing employee habits

With the coronavirus pandemic we are all currently experiencing, companies have been, and still are, extensively teleworking, with teams dispersed around the world. To ensure efficient working, many companies have therefore turned to the cloud, using SaaS applications, as these figures show:

  • Increase in daily users of Microsoft Teams by 270%,
  • Increase in enterprise mobile applications by 90%,
  • 58 million new users of Microsoft 365,

However, too many companies still do not monitor abnormal behaviour by their teams, which is more than alarming given the growing adoption of cloud-based collaboration tools, making digital environments more dynamic. Furthermore, teleworking also leads to a risk of vulnerability when employees return to the office after using unauthorised technologies.

It is therefore time to rethink your company’s security strategy, and adapt the defence mechanisms put in place! 

Artificial intelligence, the solution for guaranteed security

Given the siloed approach to security and the lack of a global vision of the environment, it is easy to understand that traditional tools are no longer sufficient. Today, companies have a multitude of security tools, each with its own specificity (anti-spam, network protection, detection of other attacks, blocking, etc.), but it is still necessary to orchestrate all of this, which is becoming problematic.

In order to guarantee complete and constant protection, it is essential to change the paradigm and constantly analyse all behaviours in the company’s digital environment (thanks in particular to the access to a complete cartography) through a single platform. The aim is to learn the behaviour and habits of every user and every device in your organisation.

This is what artificial intelligence is able to do, enabling it to make the processes of detection (based on a history of attacks), investigation and response completely autonomous, leading to an automatic blocking of possible attacks (email intrusion, identity theft, threats already present inside the organisation, potentially dangerous misconfigurations, etc.). In addition, the artificial intelligence will be able to link the different alerts to each other, in order to try to identify a single potential coordinated attack. Finally, it will produce a report explaining in details what happened, which machine is impacted, which data is affected, …, allowing the people in charge of the security of the companies to decide, as soon as possible, on the actions to be taken.

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