
SECIB, the digital solution for the lawyers!

SECIB is a software developer and mostly a digital environment developer for lawyers. After having equipped about 3600 French firms, 180 in Belgium and 15 in Luxembourg, SECIB want to respond more precisely to the specific expectations of the lawyers. These expectations are from the data storage to all the new functions which should be integrate in SECIB’s solutions. Thanks to a partnership with Rcube Professional Services, the lawyers’ data are on a safe and certified PSF cloud.

This collaboration shares the same values:

  • The willingness to perfectly answer to the client’s need
  • The continue research of innovative solutions which bring a real added-value
  • Being close with a presence in the Luxembourg

On 15 June, during the webinar dedicated to the demonstration of the software, SECIB explained some of the main features.

The mail management

Beside the need to make sure that their data are secured and on the national ground, the lawyers needs a solution to follow all their files, the simplest possible and this to have a full and constant access when it’s needed.

The solution has been developed all around the lawyers’ habits and routine. For sure, who don’t start his working day by checking his e-mail? And it is from this point that SECIB has developed a panel which is linked directly with Outlook. With this panel, there are several functions but also an optimised collaboration with the members of the firm.

Thanks to the IA, SECIB can reduce the time used to manipulate data by proposing directly the files which can be affected to the current mail that you are reading.


  • While checking your mailbox, you can:
    • Attach a mail to a file
    • Sort, rename a mail or an attachment
    • Choose to only save an attachment or just the mail
    • Add precision in the “comment” box to inform someone else
    • Classified the mail by different state: to read, to validate, to correct
  • While writing a mail you can:
    • Automatically join it to a file
    • Convert a .doc document to a PDF
    • Get to all the contact in a file to optimise the sending of the mails
  • Add a Microsoft Teams meeting directly in the concerned calendar and file

The SECIB’s interface

On the interface, you can see many information, which can be customizable to the needs and access of each users. This led to an optimisation of the time required to manage a lawyer firm.

From this display, a lawyer can reach on the same screen all the information about an opened file, get some accounting or financial information, the number of files in his signature book, the scheduled tasks for the day and the day future, shortcut to recently opened files and more. The users of SECIB can obviously have a restrained access to some information such financial information for example. This access can be changed as you want, depend to the needs of the user.

The billing information can be check for all the firm or just to a specified client file. With this you can verify the billed amount of a client, the amount which has to be billed, the payed bills and more.

Still on this financial / accounting part, a payment service on internet can permit to a client to pay his bill most quickly and optimise your accounting management.

The contract management

A great and organised contract management in a lawyer firm is very important. Each user must be able to contact every person concerned in a file. The SECIB solution can manage the problem of duplicated contact. It is also possible to defined different state for one contact: one same person can need a lawyer for a personal reason or for a working reason for example. With SECIB, you will be informed of the reason of the person on his file.

The artificial intelligence

As we mentioned previously, the IA is used for many tasks in the solution. Some lawyers are afraid and see it as a threat for their job. But the IA is very useful, and assist every research on your document base. With the integrate search engine “IGed”, you can literally type: “show me every divorce contract” and the search engine will automatically show you what you need. Finally, with the smart clipboard, you can easily copy and paste each clause that you need on your final document.

The previewer

The document previewer permits to oversee the content of a file without opening it. It’s a small thing but this led to an important time saving.

The “Néo” version of the software bring an important added-value for the client but also for your IT reputation with an extranet as the same as a bank can have. With this interface, you can share documents or any information safely with your client.

Thanks to an important experience of the SECIB-Septeo group, the software perfectly fit with the needs of the lawyers and improve the process of their daily tasks.

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